- Fixed import issues where padding values have been lost during the process
- Fixed lazy load processes in comination with slide animations where images were poppin up delayed in the slider
- Changed the slide animation precalculation to give some delay before processing to avoid frame drops
- Various style fixes in editor
- Default opacity values on text shadows changed from 2500 to 0.25
- Fixed scroll bugs in editor when slide background changed from image to color based
- Fixed global layers “overflow” option which was missing since version 6.0.1
- Fixed video overlay issues, where dotted overlays were not drawn on the video even it was selected
- Fixed issues where Slider Revolution widgets did not work properly in some setting constellations
- Fixed file permissions in zip files for some very rare cases where current packaging was not consistent
- Fixed a bug where custom css set in Sliders was stripped of slashes
- Fixed a bug where sometimes layer image sources were not shown in the small preview thumbnail box
- Fixed a bug with loop effects – wave animation, where start loops jumps during the animation
- Fixed the quick style auto selection when new buttons, content or headlines had been selected
- Scaling layers will auto change linebreak and layer width from “auto” to a static width, in case the layer is scaled to a higher size than the layer grid itself
- FontAwesome icon styling from Slider Revolution will now only influence Slider Revolution structures
- Added disable FontAwesome option which will not load the FontAwesome library from Slider Revolution if needed
- Added new button collection to the quickstyle library
- Layer scaling will not effect the border radius any more to avoid strange changes on different screensizes
- Image, Shape and Text Layers will get layer align “Scene” if they are imported from older sliders (v5.x or earlier) and they used to have 100% width to handle a Bug was existing in older Revsldier