- Fixed background slide image having no alt tag
- Border Radius bug on image layers has been fixed
- Fixed an issue where layers in groups gets removed when the Before/After option is enabled. Version 2.0.1 of the Before/After AddOn is required
- Fixed “Do not play Auto 1st time” where Media was not playing in following loops
- Fixed an issue where layers not animating out when “end time” is shorter then Slide time and and previous slide has a shorter duration than the current slide
- Fixed Vimeo and YouTube loop issues on background and layer videos
- Fixed Safari input issues, where only 1 character could be entered
- Changing “Set as Editor View” will now overtake the changes directly
- Fixed On scroll based timeline which not working in some special cases
- 3D rotated frames were clipping in the editor. Issue fixed. Still CSS filtered layers will keep clipping if 3D rotation is existing
- Fixed color filters for background Medias
- Fixed background filters with the Pan Zoom effects
- Fixed Vimeo start at/end at, loop and rewind at slide start functions
- Fixed HTML5 start at/end at and loop issues
- Fixed Mute/Unmute video issues
- Fixed HTML5 background videos in Carousel Slider with “Show all Layer” once enabled
- Fixed YouTube videos on Mobile where Video was always autoplaying
- Fixed an issue with “active-revslide” class. Name changed to active-rs-slide and it will only exist on active Slide
- Fixed Filmstrip AddOn Issues with Multiple Filmstrip Modules on one Page. Version 2.0.2 of Filmstrip AddOn is required
- Fixed Multiple Frame animation on Demand issues, where 2nd and further loops were not animated well
- Layers which should be first on Action and have Dynamic caluclated positions will get force hidden class to ignore calculation and rendering before they required
- Fixed Show Layer on Mouse over Module which was not working if no layer action was defined in the Module
- Fixed navigation glitches within Carousel due Navigation arrows
- Dedicated an issue with SiteGround Server. This can be solved due the SiteGround Server Settings “enforce rewrite of external urls”
- Changed the alias check to also work with a slider alias that has spaces
- Changed the “Media Loop” dropdown option to on/off. Default value in background videos is set to “ON” and on layer videos to “OFF”
- Introducing the “Pause Module Timer” during media playback On/Off option. Default value is “ON”
- Media Loop option will change loop to “ON” if it was set to “Loop and Stop Slider Progress” timer or if it was set to “Loop but do not stop Slider Progress”. At any other way, loop will be set to “OFF”
- Pause module timer during playback will be set to “ON” if media loop was set earlier to “No Loop” or to “Loop and Stop Slider Progress”. At any other way, it will be set to “OFF”
- Changed JavaScript version compare functionality
- Removed debugmode option for frontend debugging
- Enabling “Loop Media” will disable “Next Slide at End” and enabling “Next Slide at End” will disable “Loop Media” for logical reasons
- Autoplay of audio has been removed. Audio can only now played on manual starts (via actions and/or controls) due browser limitations
- Changed calculation of last/first slide position in Carousel Module if Infinity is set to true
- Improved user experiment by swiping the Carousel
- Default Tablet width breakpoint changed to 778px again as it was in the Previous Versions