New Features
- Added slider images to the Yoast SEO sitemap
- Added convert layer function to change the layertype from image to video or from text to button and vice versa
- Fixed specific post slider not selecting the correct posts
- Fixed post based slider not working when categories and tags were selected in combination
- Fixed Gallery AddOn not working together with the “Slider Revolution Blank Template”
- Fixed caoursel speed issues where other than the default value would not animate the carousel anymore
- Fixed dotted overlay where the overlay was written on bg videos even if the force cover option was disabled
- Fixed on scroll based layers where the disable scroo based option on child elements were ignored
- Fixed an issue in the colorpicker where the custom preset colors were not saving
- Fixed an issue in the import process where YouTube images could create a notice
- Fixed the gradient background colors for columns in Firefox
- Fixed offset cursors at first click in the custom CSS and JavaScript editor in the slider settings
- Alignment of content based navigation on carousel has been fixed
- Fixed the Font Awesome iconset in the object library
- Content with loop effects in columns and groups were not resizing well
- Selecting navigation elements in the editor was not selecting settings of that element automatically
- Progress Bar on top position was rendered incorrectly in editor
- Fixed custom navigation per slide settings (override style on slide) which was not rendered on the frontend before
- Fixed an issues where the start/end time of frames could not be reset to realisitc values. Added duration and start fields
- Added missing Essential Grid functions when Slider used as Content in ESG Lightbox
- Fixed a bug where the pause slider timer on the slide bg videos could not be enabled
- Fixed Bubble Morph border settings where the border was not rendered on frontend. The BubbleMorph AddOn version 2.0.1 is required
- Fixed the Crypto Slider template which was conflicting with some other 3rd party plugins i.e. Learnpress
- Fixed a ruler bug in the editor
- Fixed custom navigations not beeing converted from v5 to v6
- Fixed backend preview for streams and post sliders
- Fixed Instagram issue for certain server environments
- Fixed an issue with multiple slide animations after update from V5x to V6x
- Fixed output issues when Essential Grid is inside slide layer
- Fixed burger menu button animation issue. To solve the existing issues do one of the following:
- a) remove the layer button and add it again in version 6.1.1+
- b) add manually the action “toggle class” “open” to the layer
- Post based sliders must now have the slide option “Image from Stream if exists” set to on, to use the featured image
- The dotted overlays will show now also on video covers
- The dotted overlays are now set to pointer-events:none; to make any video controls available behind the overlay
- Enabling the on scroll timeline based function at Layers will automatically disable the loop effects now. No undo avaiable
- Added frame “start” input field for easier and better editing of animation frames
- Added a feature to reset the hover to idle style on multiple selected layers
- Added custom image sizes to the slide background images
- Background videos will not auto stop layer videos at start just like in older versions