New Features
- Moving layers in animation mode will move the layers x/y transform value in the selected frame. This will allow to fine tune the animation positions of layers
- Drag and drop images and or videos to the editor to create layers on demand to shorten the required steps to create image/video layers
- German and French translation added
- Added a link help option to slide and action links, to help auto selection of http and https protocols for links
- Added a file and media optimizer feature, available on pages/posts, overview and Slider Editor mode to optimize embeded media files and to get a general overview about loaded filesizes
- Fixed a bug where the slider timer was still processing after a slide change. Even pause on hover was activated
- Adding folders into other folders were not respecting the parent folder strucutre in the editor overview
- Fixed svg’s at the layer import process to point to the correct path
- Fixed a preview slider bug where the order was not shown correctly
- Fixed a preview slider bug where unpublished slides would be shown
- Fixed a bug where custom animations where not transfered from v5 to v6. With this fix, missing v5 animations should now show up
- Fixed timeline option not working for some Facebook pages
- Fixed an issue where modal sliders did not show up when JavaScript was loading in footer
- Fixed iOS9 bugs
- Fixed double shown posters on YouTube background videos in Safari
- Fixed WhiteBoard ghost pixels in Firefox by removing the rotation effect of the “Hand” for Firefox. WhiteBoard 2.1 required
- Fixed an issue where 43+ layers exsits and the order of layers are equal to 6 + layer order. In this case it would fall back to the last order
- Typo issue fixed in file wp-contentpluginsrevslideradminrevslider-admin.class.php
- Fixed a bug where video or mp3 layers in the gobal layers would create an extra slide in the export file
- Fixed an issue where entering the viewport would restart layer videos even if this already paused/stopped due to another process
- Fixed looping issues in case the slider became hidden by exteral CSS/JavaScript code independet of the internal option hideSlideUnder
- Fixed an issue where invisible layers should be visible when hovering list elements in the editor
- Fixed a problem where auto played videos were not playing in carousel slider when all layers where shown at, once the option was selected and the slide change was processed
- Fixed audio layer issues in the global layers (visible control buttons, muted audio, etc.)
- Fixed videos that might be muted after import even if they should have sound on start
- Fixed the export/import of svg files not working properly
- Fixed exported zip files where they could not be imported again in certain circumstances
- Changes on the new custom navigation could not be saved before reloading the page. This issue has been fixed now
- Fixed placeholder feature for text and button layers to simplify the visible content on layers if needed
- Solved navigation styling issues in the editor
- Fixed loop effect animation issues with 0px dimensions
- Fixed issue where slides of other WPML languages where not properly imported
- Fixed issue where with WPML, language slides where not properly taken
- Fixed carousel opacity, rotation, scale and vary opacity, vary rotation and vary scale options. You need to adjust the settings in some cases after this update!
- Fixed overview problems where modules were not showing up under folders in some very rare cases
- Fixed an issue where adding bulk slides, importing slide(s) from templates or other modules did not save the slide content properly
- Importing layers modals will not open anymore if the import slide process started and the module has only one slide
- Updated google font list
- Removed unneeded font stylings from img layers
- The slide links and layer action links http/https auto adjustment behavior can now be changed as an own option
- Optimized the output to ignore the font style based settings on unrelated layers
- Updated some output details if something goes wrong for better understanding
- Optimized the snap and guideline settings to simplify the usage. If it is enabled, it will always show guidelines and will always snap to them
- Changed the values for carousel opacity, rotation and scale. some of the values were not working properly, some of the values were the other way around