New Features
- Layer background supports now also image sources from stream
- Added custom fonts list to global settings, which supports custom fonts in the editor area also.
Available options: font family name, url to font style, available font weights, load font in front- and/or backend environment
- Text decoration style will no longer be applied to row, column and group layers
- Auto width full height image layers will now respect also the image width in FireFox
- Importing a package into a folder will no longer return an moving error even thought the slider was properly moved
- Releasing Mouse outside of Modal windows will not any more close the Modal windows, to support copy/paste within text editors
- Fixed an issue where the touch/swipe functionality on full slide links in carousel mode was not working properly
- Fixed the color animation if the text color has been animated from a different value to the default and the splitted text option was set in character, word or lines mode
- Fixed hover animation issues in editor mode where the default filters added an odd black flash effect to the animation start
- Fixed navigation not working anymore after loading a slider in a modal that has the “Put JS To Body” option set to on
- Fixed a bug where old carousel sliders do not show all slides even if they should
- Elements without 3d animation settings will now ignore the transform perspective attribute to render layers on retina displays as sharp as possible
- Fixed an issue where the navigation arrows lost their thumbnail images after the first slide
- Fixed an issue where the navigation thumbs of a post based slider would be scaled two times
- Issue with Ken Burns effect in Firefox’s latest browser hes been fixed where the animation stop playing after slide in transform
- Fixed a very rare bug where JavaScript errors blocked any further functionality in the overview page when a template has been directly installed after updating the AddOns
- Fixed small glitches in overview page and in editor
- Scroll navigation in carousel sliders has beed fixed
- Long Touch and swipe function in Carousel Sliders may made the whole slider container to jump and laggy
- Fixed an issue where moving sliders from folders to root and back broke with JavaScript error
- ThemePunch tool main reference “punchgs” has been replaced by “tpGS”
- GreenSock Engine update from Version 2.x to Version 3.x
- Easing now have new aliases. i.e. Power2.easeInOut now can be referenced with short names like power2.inOut
- Added carousel mobile swipe and desktop mobile swipe options under the navigation touch section which allows you to disable the carousel navigation via touch if needed
- Timeline limit extended to a maximum of 3:00 min
- Merged the AddOn notices into one single notice
- Optimized page loading
- Reduced file sizes for faster loading times
- Added sharp corners also to shape layers