New Features
- Added new option: Start Background Video after the slide transition finished to avoid issues where the bg videos first few seconds were missing if the transition animated only the poster image
- added two missing ; into JavaScript parts in output.class.php
- Fixed Kenburns effects initial load issue where the background was getting a wrong height
- Fixed the background video flash effect at the first start of the video
- Added support for slider exported on Safari where after re-compressing, the slider wasn’t getting imported properly
- Bubbledmorph: Fixed converted sizes order (mobile was getting the wrong size)
- Throttled scroll event listener to improve performance
- Fixed a bug where modules could not be initialised if they opened delayed via a custom scripts or were loaded per ajax not using internal functions
- Fixed Toggled Text styling issues, where the whitespace settings were not written onto the toggled content, but only on idle content
- Fixed instagram, taking the videos even if the slide is set to transparent
- Changed HTML5 video in animation to avoid flickering when the poster and video crossfades
- Fixed slide based align issues in default WordPress themes where the parent container size calculation may not deliver the right dimensions
- Fixed optimizer JavaScript error if it was called from the Module Overview page and AddOns are in use but not loaded yet