New Features
- Replaced the rendering processes which decreases page loading times, removes unneeded delays and boosts rendered frames per second
- Reduced memory usage, improved rendering and calculation processes, smoothed out frame drops
- Added 1 click installation for Modules and Packages with Addons that were not activated yet. They will be automatically activated and enabled
- Static Layers can now be set individually to stay behind or over the module. This will not work on Rows and children of rows
- Added custom deeplink tag per slide. Slides can be addressed now due to custom names like: and also by slide order like:
- Object Library Extension: Custom SVG files can be now uploaded to Object Library under My Custom SVG Files folder. Tags, Naming can be set directly in the Object Library
- Layer Settings: Introducing SVG orignal Color option, which will respect to the original SVG’s colors and will not fill / color paths and strokes
- Particles Effects Addon 2.3.0 : Added custom SVG Support (Version 6.3.0 required)
- Particles Effects Addon 2.3.0 : Added original Color option in case Custom SVG used as Particle
- Particles Effects Addon 2.3.0 : Added Responsive Size management
- Introducing Modal general speed, which will allow to harmonise and set the in and out animation of Modal windows
- Added Mouse Wheel options to stop slider scroll on the way up/down and go through slides before page scrolls further if % of Module is visible in viewport
- Paintbrush Addon Version 2.1.9 (13 Oct 2020) : Added support for Mobile Devices
- MouseTrap Addon Version 2.0.8 (13 October 2020) : Added support for Mobile Devices
- Introducing Video Scroll Addon 1.0.0
- Introducing a brand new Lottie Addon
- Added Random Slide to a layer action “Jump to Slide”
- Delete and Duplicate slides now also available in the Overview Mode
- Editor can zoom in and zoom out for now between 0,5 and 2 factors for better editing and support of smaller screen editing
- Full Screen module offsets will be respected also if Time Scroll based animation enabled, to keep/stick the Module at the offset point instead of the top of the page
- Fixed a bug where the instagram video was not showing as a layer
- Disabled the New Relic browser monitoring in preview mode
- Fixed undo/redo bug where color changing and further actions were sometimes not Undoable in editor due a color skin logical error
- Changing Video sources in editor caused javascript crash on preview without reloading the page. This issue has been fixed
- Fixed PE7 icon lineheights in frontend
- Slide links over front layer did not work due some reference issues. This bug has beed fixed now
- Fixed calculation issues if Group Layer height and width were defined via percentage and set to scene aligned
- Fixed IE11 getElementsByTagName issue
- Fixed vertical position calculation on Vertical centered rows
- Fixed action triggered animations due multiple Frames where sometimes content was not visible after triggering them
- Get rid of the bug where transparent Background Images with pan zoom effect doubled the bacground
- MouseTrap Addon 2.0.7: Fixed RTL Issues which disorted the horizontal position of Mouse triggered items
- Fixed an issue where appending 3d Parallax items moved group and row children out of their wrapper causing random bugs
- Issue with showing of multiple Adverts, warnings and information containers after Slider regsitration process has been fixed
- Solved an issue where editor may not show layer and slide backgrounds if file name had spaces or special charachters
- Problem solved when zIndex and Layer order was not sorted well after importing Layers from other Slider
- Slide link zIndex issues has been fixed in some cases where Slide link which should overaly the layer was still underlaying them
- Auto Reverse on Char, Word or Line splitted animations did not play the animation correct before. This issue has been fixed
- Fixed a problem with default delays in general split animations where frame0 or frame1 anination used a dealy of 0
- Fixed Split animation direction “Edge to Middle” which was until now a simple forward animation direction
- Deleting Key Frame of Animation did not auto refreshed the Input fields in editor
- Loading / editing Layers with splitted animation may not shown the correct frame lengths in editor
- New Quickstyle elements will get auto Intelligent inheriting and these will be straight visible, without the needs to save and reload the module
- Fixed Before/After Addon Safari issues. Required version 2.0.10
- Fixed Version Comparing in Addons lists where version 2.0.10 was older than 2.0.9
- z Transforms in depth were not well rendered on Splitted Text animations like Chars, Words and Lines
- Calculation of Scroll progresses were not calculated well if the time scroll based module added as first element in page
- Global Layers on two Slides disappeared on “backwards” module rotation
- Fixed a bug where iOS Transformation on z axis were rendered on the wrong position
- Particle Addon 2.3.1 Fixed: Particles failed to load on first slide in carousel slider
- Bubble Morph Addon 2.3.1 Fixed: Bubbles failed to render on Carousel module
- Fixed and issue where mutliple frame based layer animations get mixed up if layer is moved into a group / column
- Filtering on char, words and line animations shown warning in console. This issue has been fixed
- Updated the Google Fonts library
- Updated Drag and Drop functionality in Editor to protect column, row and group orders and make even more simple to move layers within a group , columns and rows
- Updated Preloading and Preparing processes in Editor to make Editor loading time 50%+ quicker
- Added intelligent on the demand of a field management in Editor to only render and prepare functions which are really necessary while in editing mode
- Drag, Move, resize and further events will only be prepared if layers , slides, or referenced elements touched to win over 50%+ speed in backend rendering processes
- Changed CodeMirror against RevMirror to avoid Namespacing issues with other Themes and Plugins
- Reversed Timeline Frames (frame_999 of layers) will now respect in animation lengths
- Reversed Timeline Frames are not marked with “(R)”