New Features
- Added gradient animation style (fading and sliding) to allow different hover animation effects on gradient layer backgrounds
- Added canvas based slide animations
- New sorting of animation types
- Very smooth and effective rendering of animations
- Extended the library with tons of new effects
- Added options like timing, flow, index, row & columns, filters, rotation, scale, motion filters
- In and out animation can be differently handled now
- Video, PanZoom, local and external images can be now animated without limitations
- Apple mouse and touch pads can now also scroll the carousel templates horizontal
- WP-CLI global variables issues are now fixed
- Shape layer with stream sources will show icon now and will hide coloring and image
- Hover animations from gradient to solid, solid to gradient will work well now in the editor and frontend
- Protection against an issue where rapidly opening modal windows in the row may break the page
- Dragging layer in animation mode where init values is inherit do not change the x,y transition values
- SVG layer icons show text layer icon on timeline
- Fixed issues in the Slider Revolution Gutenberg block causing React warnings
- Fixed slide thumbnail previews not always refreshing in admin
- Fixed parallax causing screen artifacts in rare cases
- Progress bar circle throws error if radius is smaller than strength
- Blur overflows the image layer on Safari
- Fast clicking on carousel would trigger “cancel” event on carousel and carousel would fail
- Added protection against third party plugins/themes conflict with slider background images
- Clicking outside of a modal fails to close the modal
- Fixed Chrome artifact issue when using parallax with blur animation
- Parallax has been optimized to avoid calculations on inactive slides
- Changed several internal PHP scripts to improve speed and memory usage
- Updated the Google Fonts list
- Slicey AddOn support to RS 6.4.0 added. Required version 2.1.0
- Before After AddOn support to RS 6.4.0 added. Required version 2.1.0
- Revealer AddOn support to RS 6.4.0 added. Required version 2.2.0
- Distortion / Liquied Effect AddOn support to RS 6.4.0 added. Required version 2.1.0
- TypeWriter layer position will auto update if the layer dimension is set to auto. Required version 2.1.0
- Lottie AddOn version 2.0.5 added “Respect Timeline Start” option. Requires RS 6.4.0