New Features
- SVG Layer: Added new option ‘Style All Elements’, enabling it will style all SVG elements in layer, like ellipse, polygon etc
- Added popup on “url hash” to shortcode builder options
- Added “1 Time per session Pop Up” option with session length (default 24 hours) in the shortcode builder options. (Disable and reload frontend to clear cookie)
- Multiselect dropdowns do not show the selected values
- Scrolling, resizing screen during select dropdown is open, puts the dropdown offseted to original select position
- Resizing Layers in editor with aspect ratio set to “auto” or “none” calculates the wrong height of element or giving NaNpx as result
- Particles Addon 2.3.5: Custom 1 Colored SVG files from Original library can not be colored by particle styles
- Swapping between External source, image source and solid color/transparent do not update the current slide background image in editor
- Higher Modal window may add horizontal scrollbar on Window resize
- Draging Text layer wrap the text if layer hit the right side of parent container, after releaseing all good
- Slide based aligned layers in backend positioend wrong if layers added to group
- Videos will not be prepared at the start on invisible slides, which will avoid unwanted loading side effects
- Backend optimiziation, further editor loading time and runtime optimizations
- Replaced Select2 function with ThemePunch functions which brings a great performance boost on the backend
- Optimized the opening processes in the slider editor. Less loops on multiple draws until all elements are created
- Replaced tons of innerHTML content building due documentFrames creation
- Replaced slow input element initialisation processes
- Added further RAF processes in drawing and initialisation processes to optimize editor runtime processes
- Changed behaviour by dropping/dragging layers when a group is overlaying rows and columns with an overdimensioned shape inside