- Slider cannot be edited after updating from very old versions
- Sharp Corner extensions are not rendering correctly in WordPress 6.0
- Video layer with “No Interaction” enabled, becomes clickable with link action
- Scroll Below Slider and Scroll to ID actions don’t work on video layer with “No Interaction” enabled
- Video border radius disappears after in-animations on some rare situations
- Box shadow does not render full opacity if #000000 color is used
- Object library could not fetch thumbnails and full objects if cURL is not enabled
- Clickable scroll based animated layers are not any more clickable after scrolling backwards when layers are overlapping each other
- Rapidly clicking and very rare repeated slowly clicks on navigation buttons changes the direction of layeranimations
- Slide animation from last slide to first slide produced a rewind effect if the direction based animation has been selected. This is changed now to forward direction
- HTML slider exports inclusion of jQuery.js is with http:// instead of https://
- Dragging bottom (and/or) right aligned layers in the editor gives a sticky effect during the drag process