- Elementor popup not loading with slider. Even with added protections, it is not stable, therefore we recommend to use Slider Revolution’s own popup functionality
- Video and PanZoom aspect ratio may not be correct during the slide transition
- Vimeo video in carousel not covering vertically and the first play of Vimeo background videos are not showing in carousel
- RS conflicts with elementor lottie
- Fonts don’t render correctly due to quotes around font family
- A deprecation notice block_categories occurs from WordPress 5.8.0 onwards
- Justify carousel hides max amount of shown slides option and makes layout dimension changes hard to understand
- Navigation font family preset is not selected after reload
- Navigation Skin editor meta values not shown, meta type shows always custom
- Background image gets drawn twice while using BG Fit Percentage
- Shortcodes from RevSlider v5 with – in it are not found
- Mouse scroll not working on fullscreen slider if viewport value is set to 100%
- Alternate slide animation is ignoring main animation once loop done
- Timeline default length update will also update all layer timings with “Wait for End” in each slides of that module
- Added search, filter and sorting functions to the Addon overview area for better overview