- Carousel slider is flickering in Safari
- Safari clippath animations are not visible during the animation
- Some third party form options fail to work correctly. (This may have affected other third party integration as well)
- Missing Elementor property on load causes the Cookiebot plugin to fail
- Solid color background with opacity gets darker on refocus
- First slide using the Advanced Transition’s blur effect flashes black background
- Advanced Transition with PanZoom BG jumps on slide change
- Using fullscreen toggle on slider with parallax effect does not reset BG correctly
- Blend Mode “color” is not working well in Safari. (Fallback to color-burn works)
- Slider Revolution can not be added to WordPress Widgets area. JS Failures
- Revolution Slider in Essential Grid’s lightbox opens only on the first time
- Carousel background is squashed if the carousel’s ‘Keep Aspect Ratio(Justify)’ option is turned off
- Slider added using the Gutenberg block is pushed to the right side if the slider uses “Fixed during scroll” option
- Gap (border) option does not work correctly on fullwidth and fullscreen slider
- Added cursor mode “none” to the option list to be able to hide the cursor on “a” tags when mouse track is activated
- Introducing tag option for slide links (available options: “a” & “rs-layer”) to avoid FireFox popup blocking on _blank targets
- Introducing a global option: “Lazy Load on BG Images”. This will allow to load BG images also with lazy load, defined due the lazy load global and module based options
- Editing the size of layers in a column will replace % sizes into px on edit. Added a further protection which will only change the height values if the height is set over 98% within the column of any layer