
Bugfixes Changed ajax call request name for the backend as the OWASP Core Ruleset does not allow the use of the old name Carousel jumps to wrong slide while navigating if slider is different height slides Opening modal with specific slide doesn’t work correctly on carousel slider Setting the zIndex value to “Auto” on hover […]

  • Changed ajax call request name for the backend as the OWASP Core Ruleset does not allow the use of the old name
  • Carousel jumps to wrong slide while navigating if slider is different height slides
  • Opening modal with specific slide doesn’t work correctly on carousel slider
  • Setting the zIndex value to “Auto” on hover resulted in a zIndex of 500, inadvertently leading to overlap with other areas
  • Editor: When the background color of a module is changed, it doesn’t update live to reflect the selected color. The background color only updates after the color picker modal is closed
  • Backend: Action references on global layers originating from slides other than the global slide are non-functional. Selecting any layer from global slides consequently results in the removal of the action from the list
  • SFX Block Layer transition only fades in Safari
  • Backend: Whenever an empty folder is reopened, it will now automatically be reconnected to the root directory
  • Backend: Now, when opening an empty folder, a brief breadcrumb will be displayed to explain its empty status
  • Updated google fonts list

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