- Instagram stream not displaying images
- Hover processing too early, negatively influencing the “in” animation of layers
- MouseTrap AddOn when adding a click event on video without providing a layer caused an error
- Not initialized modules out of viewport resized incorrectly on window resize causing the horizontal scroll to appear
- Scroll Below under, Scroll-based Timelines and Video Scrolled Content not scrolling to the right ID
- Fix Positioned Top Sliders by setting Pointer Events to none, without any exclusions
- Filmstrip AddOn flickers on mobile phones
- Gradient Backgrounds on SVG’s drawn Transparent since latest updates
- Swipe on MacOs swaps multiple slides if the swipe is thrown on a longer distance
- Image Layers with auto width and auto height drawn stretched
- Disabling Parallax Effect on Mobile has no Effect
- On installation/plugin activation, if no Slider is present, the engine is changed to the Velocity Engine (V7)