- Mute & unmute videos not working well in some cases
- If preloading is active for the SR7 Data Load Method, global slides are not loaded from the third slider onwards
- Global setting “Include library globally” is not respected by the SR7 engine
- Slider not initialized when optimized by Rocket Loader
- SR7 removes sibling tags like span and p
- Vimeo attributes like pip, dnt, pip, transcript, portrait are not working
- The ToolBarTopFunction is still using the jQuery library, producing some errors in preview pages if jQuery is not loaded
- Fullscreen height on mobile is not respecting min height of content in some cases
- Parallax disabled on mobile still calculates the initial offset position of parallax elements which renders all layers at the wrong position
- SVG export with starting // is not processed properly
- Background image on module repeated even if the option is not selected
- Media library image was not showing for post based slides if featured image on a post was missing
- Security hardening to prevent XSS: Input sanitization and output escaping now enforced on layer actions