New Features
- Deep link for external called modals added : i.e. document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(‘popup_modal’, { detail: { slide: 2 } }));
- Introduced new API method forcedPause() to pause slideshows and keep them from auto resuming when in viewport again until the resume() method is called.
- Introduced new V7 option Media Ignores Scroll Blur. This will allow the media to keep playing even when the module stopped out of the view port.
- Multiple videos on page break with JS errors
- Willow filter on media looks different in SR6 and SR7
- Wrapper class for module not added in SR7
- Dynamic links defined by meta tags redirect to the dynamic source, rather than using the meta tag value directly
- 3D Layers with scroll may break full slider module since version 6.7.17
- In some very very rare case migration failes if old datas are corrupt.
- Restrict SVG upload to Administrators only to avoid Stored Cross-Site Scripting via SVG File uploads
- Apply sanitize to SVG files to prevent Stored Cross-Site Scripting via SVG File Upload
- Decrease module height also affected height in the fullscreen mode
- Orientation change on mobile caused JavaScript error
- Not proportional custom size image layers are resized not properly
- HTML5 Video is always muted, can not be unmuted due the original controls
- Gesture Zoom on mobile devices may not resize layers and modules
- Mobile Vertical scroll jumps with fullheight modules when search url bar becomes hidden
- Respect Module Aspect ratio is not working
- Infinity Carousel glitching on auto rotation restart
- Infinity Carousel randomly switching direction when slide duration is low
- Slides hidden from nav caused JavaScript error in thumbs navigation
- Pause on hover not working on carousel auto rotating sliders
- Mouse wheel navigation skipped slide change when the page scrolled rapidly
- Slide background was not showing if the appearance animation was set to No Transition