- Missing SVG in slider export/import can lead to wrong SVG pathing
- Slide Template settings in WordPress Post/Pages are not properly translated into V7 engine
- Sliders with no published slides are wrongly written into the HTML in the V7 engine
- The Jetpack option Defer Non-Essential JavaScript interferes with V6 and V7 JavaScript
- The Fullscreen Minimal Height setting doesn’t take effect
- Preloader spinner did not disappear in some cases
- The JavaScript error breaks the display of slides with transparent background in some cases
- Trying to check margins on Zone layers causes an error and breaks module display
- Image resizes back to the original size on the Editor when selecting an alignment setting
- Saving bigger modules in SR7 are pending without finishing the migration process
- Slide Template for Post/Page-based Stream Modules is not printing the preselected Slide in SR7
- Button layers don’t have an outline when switching to it with a tab
- SVG Gradient Definitions used multiple times with the same ID references will hide elements on other slides
- Viewport percentage settings were not applied to wheel navigation correctly in some cases
- The media poster is not shown on mobile, even when the option is set to show when media is paused
- Featured Image meta tags are not translated in SR7 Frontend
- Custom link gets replaced with a Post link on Post Based Modules