Table of Content
- Add Module Block / Shortcodes
- Create Blank Page on Template Import
- PHP Code Embed
- WP Gutenberg Extension
- Pop Up Module
Add Module Block / Shortcodes
The easiest way to add a Module to your posts and pages is to add the special Slider Revolution block.

A modal will then open displaying a list of your current Sliders. Select the one you wish to add to your page.

And then if you’d like to change the Slider, click the edit button to select another.

Or if you’d like to add the Shortcode manually, it can be copied from the plugin’s main admin page as shown here:

Create Blank Page on Template Import
Some Templates are meant to be “One Pagers” that can exist on their own without content/elements from your WordPress theme. In these cases, a “Blank Page” can be created automatically when the Template is imported.
When importing a Template, select the “Create Blank Page” option.

The page will then be added as a “Draft”, which can be renamed and officially published at your convenience.

PHP Embed Code
PHP Embed Code is located inside the “Embed” window, accessible here:

1. Standard Embed
Add this shortcode wherever you wish the Module to appear inside your theme’s page template.
2. Homepage Embed
By including “homepage” as he second argument, the Module will ONLY appear on your website’s official homepage.
3. Specific Page Embed
Include a set of page/post ID’s as the second argument (separated by commas) where the module where the Module should be included.
WP Gutenberg Extension
Slider Revolution Block Settings

1. Block Admin Thumbnail
Show or Hide the Gutenberg Block Thumbnail here
2. Module Layout
This option will overwrite the module “Layout” directly. Useful if you wish to have a different module “Layout” on different pages/blocks.
3. Insert Module as Pop Up Module
This option allows you to convert the module into a Pop Up Module. Refer here for more explanation.
4. Block Offsets
This option allows you to apply margins and padding to the block container on different responsive viewports.
5. Block Depth
Adjust the “z-index” of the module block.
Pop Up Module
Switch “On” > “Use Pop Up” to enable the “Pop Up Module” feature.

1. Pop Up after Time
This option allows you to insert a time in ms(milliseconds) before it pops up the module on the page.
2. Pop Up at Scroll Position
Offset: Only display the Pop Up Module when you scroll over the offset height.
Container: Only display the Pop Up Module when it reaches the container ID or Class.
3. Pop Up by Events
Only display the Pop Up Module when an event is triggered.
Example :
jQuery('body').on('click', '.my-button', function() {
4. Pop Up by Actions
Refer to Lightbox / Modal here.