(Re)load AddOn

Add Timers to your Slider that automatically load any URL or simply reload the page.

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Weatherbit in no way endorses or provides support for Slider Revolution or the Slider Revolution Weather add-on. Please click on the button below for help from our experts at https://support.sliderrevolution.com.

Step 1

To get started, install and activate the AddOn from the plugin’s main admin page.

Step 2

Enable it for one of your Slider Revolution Modules

Step 3

Adjust the settings for when the page should reload and if it should load a new page.

1. Reload Event
Choose “minutes” if you want to reload after a set amount of time, “Slide” if you wish to reload after a certain Slide is displayed, and “Loops” if you want to reload after the Slider has cycled through a set amount of times.

2. Minutes/Slide/Loops
Set the amount of minutes, Slide number of amount of loops depending on your event choice.

3. Custom URL
Enable this option if you wish to navigate to a custom URL when the reload event happens. Or leave this option disabled to simply reload the current page.

4. URL
The url to navigate to if “Custom URL” is optioned.

(Re)load AddOn

The Author


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

If you need help with anything related to our plugin, please comment on a post or email me at [email protected].

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