Bootstrap Search Box Examples To Check Out

Explore a variety of Bootstrap search box examples to enhance your website's functionality. Discover creative and efficient search box designs.

Creating a seamless user experience is key in modern web design, and Bootstrap search boxes are the unsung heroes that make this happen. Imagine a webpage where finding information is intuitive and effortless. That’s the power of a well-designed search box.

In this article, we’ll dive into practical examples that showcase the versatility and functionality of Bootstrap search forms. From integrating sleek search input fields in your navbar to crafting responsive search bars that enhance user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), you’ll find actionable insights to elevate your projects.

By the end of this guide, you’ll understand how to customize and implement Bootstrap search boxes with icons, buttons, and form controls. We’ll also explore code snippets and design tips to ensure your search functionality is both stylish and efficient.

Get ready to transform your web design skills with these indispensable Bootstrap components.

Bootstrap Search Box Templates

Search Box Designs For Websites And Browsers

@keyframers 1.5.0 | Increasing Input

Author: Shaw

This design facilitates text input to perform searches. The search box opens with a sliding animation effect when users click the nav button.

This navbar nav box is a concept model. There are a few flaws to fix before using it.

Expanding Search Button in CSS

Author: Noel Davies

This Bootstrap search bar design uses the hover feature to access the navigation box. Its HTML div class form group is set to allow for feedback.

CSS Search Field Animation

Author: Sebastian Popp

This Bootstrap search bar starts as a search icon but transforms when hovered over. It has a modern look and is customizable.

The input-type-text-class for the search bar is set to ‘text’.

Author: Adobe WordPress

This is a simple Bootstrap nav box template. Its design is suitable for administrative tasks.

These could be searching a company’s site for an employee’s:

  • Name
  • Job description
  • City and more

This is just a basic table. If you want more functionality from a table, there are countless Bootstrap tables out there you can use.

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Author: Aleksandar Cugurovic

There are two Bootstrap search box templates in this demo. Both navigation bars have the same design.

However, the animation effects differ for the search boxes. For example:

1. Option 1:

  • When the user clicks the navbar nav icon, the search box descends. This does not affect the layout of the navigation bar. 

2. Option 2:

  • When users click the search button, the navigation bar disappears by transitioning into the search box.

Bootstrap 4 Navbar with Search Form

Author: Cristina

For this option, the search box is set inside the navbar. The HTML code used to achieve this appears as:

<form class="form-inline">
<input class="form-control mr-2" type="search"
placeholder="Search" aria-label="Search"><button class="btn btn-
info" type="submit"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></button>

This option comes with the added benefit of a site logo. This promotion tool ensures that visitors see the business logo each time they search for content.

Search Form With Animated Search Button

Author: Himalaya Singh

This Bootstrap search box displays a search icon that becomes an arrow when hovered over. It is a simple search box that features bold texts for better readability.

Author: Dey Dey

This is a simple Bootstrap search bar option for websites. The form control type within the code positions a search button to the right of the search text.

Author: BBBootstrap Team

Here is a great option for e-commerce sites. The HTML input type is set to ‘text’.

Search bar animation

Author: Milan Milosev

This search bar design has a beautiful expanding animation feature. The boxy design is easy to use and has ample space for users to add texts.

It’ll fit right in with any navigation bar.

Bootstrap 4 text input with search icon

Author: Gungor Budak

This Bootstrap design is great for browsers. The text input style is from the font, ‘Awesome in Bootstrap 4’.

This template offers two HTML code options the developer can choose from. These include:

  • The actual HTML search box code:
<div class="form-group has-search">
<span class="fa fa-search form-control-feedback"></span>
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search">
  • A variation with a button at the end of the nav box:
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search this blog">
<div class="input-group-append">
<button class="btn btn-secondary" type="button">

To view the full code, click the heading text link. On a genuine site, there will be a bit of stacking time when searching for content.

Author: Ace Subido

A simple search bar created using Bootstrap, SASS/HAML.

Author: SamimOnline

This is a great option for creating a system that resembles pro browsers like chrome and firefox.

It starts as a search icon inside a dark circle and turns into a long search bar when hovered over. The HTML input type is set to ‘text’.

Bootstrap snippet. bs4 Search Results With Users

Author: Dey Dey

Here is a great Bootstrap option for administrative sites. There is a form control button type at the end of the text bar.

This form control type shows up on the UI as a button with the ‘search’ text.

Bootstrap 4 Search box for domain names registrar

Author: BBBootstrap Team

This Bootstrap design is a great option for eCommerce and administrative sites.

Bootstrap 4 Online work finder with search bar and pricing

Author: Kabir Bhatia

This Bootstrap search bar is for discovering content related to online job listings. The form control type within the code positions a search icon to the right of the search text.

Author: Kelton

This bootstrap search bar is designed like a drop-down menu. This filter feature helps users to narrow down their searches.

search box bs4

Author: Jeevan123456

This Bootstrap option is great for vehicle sales browsers and apps. Users can adjust the text in each dropdown item to suit any type of website.

It has a dropdown menu that operates as a filter to narrow down search results.

Author: Jove Angelevski

Designed with the latest CSS and HTML scripts this web element will help give your site a unique look.

Author: nitesh575malviya

This is a Bootstrap search example with three input searches. This option is mainly for vehicle reservation systems like Uber.

Built with HTML and CSS scripts, it works well with modern sites and is easy to use. The customer enters the pickup and drop-off info and chooses the vehicle type.

Search Box Designs For Apps And Websites

Search button animation

Author: Kristy Yeaton

For this option, the search box becomes visible when one clicks on the search button. This stylish design is great for building web browsers and websites.

Adjusting the code will recoil or extend the search bar to fit any web page or app. To do this, adjust the values in the CSS ‘search’ field.

A great Bootstrap design nav box for browsers and e-mail systems.

Wikipedia Viewer[freecodecamp]

Author: Arshad Khan

This option is a Bootstrap search bar that returns a Wikipedia result for the keyword.

This Bootstrap option uses Media Wiki API from Wikipedia. It also has a button that redirects you to a random wiki topic.

This option has three different views for different screen types. It is a simple Bootstrap search bar usable for any type of web or app development project.

Bootstrap snippet. Filter search result page

Author: Dey Dey

This design is great for e-commerce websites and apps. It comes with filter options, including a calendar input feature to narrow the search results.

The input-type-text-class for the category filter is set to ‘checkbox’.

The date filter’s div class input group is set to ‘date form date’. Naturally, the date filter’s input type is ‘text’.

Search Filter

Author: wm06

This navbar design features a filter system based on pricing, location, and type.

Simple Search Field (Pure CSS)

Author: Charlie Marcotte

For this design, the author has included a voice search icon at the end of the text box (input group append). So, users can integrate a voice search tool with the search box.

Author: Emily Huang

This option is a simple search box. The calm white search button and blue background color are visually refreshing.

Users can customize it to fit into the navigation header of their app or website. To resize or reposition the search bar use the CSS wrap that corresponds with the HTML div class wrap to adjust the values.

Secret Project

Author: Mohan Khadka

This option is a search box for mobile apps. The design of the user interface (UI) is minimal and easy to use.

Pure CSS expanding search with custom properties (no Edge support)

Author: Ana Tudor

With this option, one only needs to click the search button to expand the search box. It does not require a lot of screen space making it a flexible option for browsers, apps, and websites.

Here is a Bootstrap search box that can be repositioned anywhere on a website’s UI.

Bootstrap snippet. General Search Results

Author: Dey Dey

This is a simple bootstrap search bar option for employment listing sites and apps. It includes a dropdown item that filters a job search by country.

The form control type within the HTML code positions a search button to the right of the search text.

FAQs about Bootstrap search boxes

How do I create a basic Bootstrap search box?

To create a basic Bootstrap search box, you need to use the form-control class within a form element. Add an input tag of type search to ensure proper styling. This setup guarantees that your search input fields look consistent and professional.

Can I add a search icon inside the Bootstrap search box?

Yes, adding a search icon is straightforward. Wrap your input element with a div containing the input-group and input-group-prepend classes. Inside, use a span with the input-group-text class and include the icon, such as <i class="fa fa-search"></i>. This enhances user experience (UX).

How can I make a responsive Bootstrap search box?

To make a Bootstrap search box responsive, use the form-control class with col classes. Ensure the search box adjusts according to different screen sizes by wrapping it in a div with responsive classes like col-md-6. This approach ensures your search bar fits seamlessly on any device.

Is it possible to add a search button next to the search box?

Absolutely! You can add a search button by enclosing the input and button elements within an input-group. Use btn classes on the button for styling. This combination creates a cohesive search form that is both functional and visually appealing.

How do I style the Bootstrap search box with custom CSS?

Custom CSS allows you to tailor the Bootstrap search box to your design needs. Override Bootstrap’s default styles by adding your own CSS rules. Target the .form-control class to modify borders, backgrounds, and font properties. This customization ensures your search box aligns with your site’s branding.

Can I use Bootstrap search boxes in a navbar?

Yes, integrating a Bootstrap search box into a navbar is common. Place the search form within the navbar class and utilize form-inline for better alignment. This integration enhances website navigation, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for directly from the navbar.

How do I add a placeholder text to the Bootstrap search box?

Adding placeholder text is simple. Use the placeholder attribute within the input tag. For example, <input type="search" class="form-control" placeholder="Search...">. This helps guide users on what to enter and improves the overall user interface (UI) of your search feature.

What are the best practices for designing a Bootstrap search box?

For optimal user experience (UX), ensure the search box is prominently placed, accessible, and functional. Keep the design clean, use clear placeholder text, and make sure it works seamlessly across all devices. Testing various UI components helps in refining the search feature for better usability.

Can I integrate a search box with JavaScript functionality?

Yes, JavaScript can enhance the search functionality. You can add event listeners to handle input changes or form submissions, providing dynamic search results or suggestions. This makes the search interface more interactive and efficient, offering a smooth experience for users.

How do I implement a Bootstrap search box with AJAX?

Implementing a Bootstrap search box with AJAX involves setting up an event listener on the input field. On input change, use JavaScript’s XMLHttpRequest or fetch API to send a request to the server and retrieve search results dynamically. This method ensures real-time updates and a better user experience (UX).


Crafting a seamless user experience is essential in modern web design, and Bootstrap search box examples are a testament to this principle. We’ve delved into the versatility of Bootstrap search forms, showcasing how they can be integrated into navbars, customized with icons and buttons, and styled with custom CSS to fit any website’s branding.

By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to create responsive, user-friendly search boxes that enhance both the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Implementing these code snippets and design tips will elevate your web development skills, ensuring your search functionality is both efficient and visually appealing.

Remember, the key to an effective search box is its simplicity and accessibility. Keep testing and refining your designs to meet user needs and improve website navigation. With these Bootstrap components at your disposal, your projects are sure to stand out.

If you liked this article about Bootstrap search boxes, you should check out this article about Bootstrap sidebars.

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Bootstrap Search Box Examples To Check Out

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The Author

Dirk Gavor

Slider Revolution high priest on the mission to find the line between not enough coffee and just a little too much coffee. Same with beer.

For any inquiries or additional resources related to this blog post or else, please don't hesitate to comment below or email me at [email protected].

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