The Best CSS Range Slider Templates You Can Download

Elevate your web forms with CSS range slider templates. Explore stylish and customizable designs for enhanced user experiences.

Ever played with a gadget’s volume dial? Imagine that, but for the web. That’s a CSS range slider for you, a nifty little tool that makes user interaction smoother than a jazz tune.

Imagine if sliders could do more than just play with volume. What if they could refine searches, adjust preferences, or even control the bright-to-dim vibe of your screen? From designers to casual bloggers, knowing how to implement this slick feature is like having a backstage pass to the cool club of front-end development.

In this groovy guide, we’re diving into the world of CSS range slider templates. We’ll explore how to jazz up that bare-bones browser default into a head-turning piece of interactive art. We’ll navigate through the HTML5 range territory, lay down the styling tracks with CSS properties, and give it that final polish with a touch of JavaScript.

Chrome Slider

Author: Duncan Malashock

This item can improve the overall design of a website. It consists of five sliders in a box, each with a different color.

Range slider

Author: LeFourbeFromage

In this CSS slider range example, the author uses flame icons and dynamic background color changes.

CSS Range slider

Author: Javier

This is an attempt at a cross-browser slider with as little JavaScript as possible. Viewers can slide the handles back and forth with their cursor pointer or use the plus and minus buttons.

This slider has a shadow effect and a boxy border radius.

Range Input

Author: Jorge Epuñan

Here is a range input slider that allows users to change the value by dragging it. The input type range is from one to ten and changes automatically.

Rolling Slider

Author: Phil

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript make this unique slider work. It has a penguin as its handle.

As viewers scroll, the penguin rolls down the slider. The input type range of this slider is from zero to fifty.

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Responsive Sliders

Author: Simon Goellner

With this code pen, viewers can create vertical and horizontal range sliders. They use HTML, CSS, and JS.

Numerical values, color effects, and tick marks identify the location of the handle.

Range Equalizer

Author: Long Lazuli

This is a stylish HTML, CSS range slider. Its input[type=’range’] defines its value from -5 to +5.

Viewers can click on the individual box values or slide them with their cursor pointer.


Author: Selcuk Cura

This range slider controls a rotation effect. The demo rotates the image of an iPhone.

Developers can use this code pen to give viewers a 360-degree view of an object.

Author: VisionPoint Marketing

Here is another HTML, CSS, and JavaScript range input slider. It comes with labels, sliding control, and control buttons.

Flat Range Sliders

Author: Rosh Jutherford

This code pen offers three range sliders. It has a red background color with red handles and has a flat design.


Author: Diaco M Lotfolahi

This code pen throws a range slider design curveball. Instead of displaying a slider in a straight line, this one curves like an arch.

It includes a gradient color scheme and a mini animation. It is a good design to use on mobile devices.

Sound Shifter

Author: Eran Shapira

This HTML, CSS, and JS code pen offers a sound shifter range slider. Use it to customize sound quality.

Angular Material

Author: piggyslasher

This range slider template offers five different sample sliders. They all use the same basic slider design but each has a different use.

A Pen

Author: Tyler Lesperance

This pen comes with two handles and a slider range input of zero to one hundred.

range #91

Author: Ana Tudor

This HTML, CSS, and JavaScript range slider design is excellently executed. It includes color animations, 3D effects, and shadow effects.

Draggable Price Scale

Author: Wayne Roddy

Here is a price scale range slider with an eight-point border radius. It is a comprehensive slider that offers detailed information.

Random Password Generator

Author: Sikriti Dakua

This is an HTML and CSS random password generator.

It uses toggle switches to allow viewers to turn options on and off. It also uses a range slider to let viewers choose the length of the password.

Car animation

Author: Pankaj Dhiman

This range slider shows a number and something extra to display the value of the slider.

It has an animated car in the background driving on a road. The higher the value a user sets, the faster the car drives.

Gradient Range Slider

Author: Eric Grucza

Here is a simple and minimal gradient HTML, CSS, and JavaScript range slider.

Minimal styling

Author: Renaud Tertrais

Here is a pure CSS minimal input range slider with a simple design and multiple application uses.

Double slider

Author: Gabi

For those who need a range slider with two handles, this is the code pen for you. The handles have a balloon shaped border-radius with the value inside them.

Custom range slider

Author: Caroline Hagan Blueocto

Here are two range sliders with a neon blue color scheme to stand out.

Viewers can slide the handles with their cursor pointer. Or they can type in the minimum and maximum value levels.

Custom range input

Author: Trevan Hetzel

Look here for another HTML, CSS, and JavaScript range input slider. This one has dots that distinguish each value.

It also has clear labels below each dot so every viewer understands the value of the dot.

Cross-Browser Range

Author: Noah Blon

Noah Blon created a cross-browser range input slider. It has a 24px border-radius.

A box-shadow on the pseudo-thumb element creates a solid color fill effect.

SVG Balloon Slider

Author: Chris Gannon

This code pen creates a cool effect. When a user clicks on the handle to slide it left or right, it mimics the shape of a balloon.

PI Calculator

Author: Myke Agonia

This range slider template displays four sliders. Each has one handle and one value indicator.

The slider turns from blue to green as viewers slide it to the right. The left side of the slider represents a lower value and the right side, a higher value.

This code pen can be used as a calculator of multiple values.

Gear Slider

Author: Mariusz Dabrowski

This modern range slider uses HTML, CSS, and JS. It is a two-handle, round border-radius range slider.

CSS elements change the background color to show the space between the two handles.

It includes some small animations. These include a gear image that appears while viewers slide the handles.

Weight Calculator

Author: Marine Piette

Here is an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript range slider for weight in kilograms. The slider range input is from zero to two hundred.

It has a gradient background color and a clear value indicator.

Range Slider

Author: shashank sharma

The code pen here is pure CSS code with no JavaScript. This CSS range slider has a range input of zero to one thousand.

Large numbers above the slider indicate the value. The slider itself has a neon green color.

The code is simple and clean.

Range Slider

Author: Florian Myke

This HTML, CSS, and JavaScript template is of a simple slider with a handle that viewers can drag. It also includes properties that viewers can change to adjust the value of the slider.


Author: mario s maselli

Often, sliders are horizontal. This CSS range slider is vertical.

It is a great slider to use in online projects and especially with mobile devices. Users can slide the handle up and down or use the plus and minus buttons to adjust the slider.

Radio Button Dot

Author: Brandon McConnell

This is a CSS template that developers can use on JavaScript-restricted sites. It has a sliding dot indicator, clear labels, and animation effects.

Radial Range Slider

Author: Max

CSS, JS, and very little HTML make up this code pen.

It is a circular range slider with a slider range input of zero to three hundred and sixty degrees. It is a well-optimized slider that fits well on any website.

Range Slider

Author: Customer Office

This code pen provides several examples of sliders with an input range of zero to one hundred.

UI Volume Slider

Author: Ray Villalobos

This code pen uses HTML, CSS, and JS to create a draggable range slider with a stunning design.

Custom Range Slider

Author: Brandon McConnell

Here is a useful custom range slider. The author used CSS to create the slider and JS for the color changes and for the percentage label.

Aspects of this slider include a round border radius, a percentage value, and a teardrop label. As viewers use their cursor pointer to drag the handle, the slider turns from blue to green.

Slider Donuts Chart

Author: Giuseppe Canale

This code pen provides several examples of donut charts. A range slider controls the chart values.

Each chart has an input type range of zero percent to one hundred percent.

Pure CSS Range Slider

Author: Manitoba

Here is an HTML and CSS cross-browser range slider. It has two handles, an input range of zero to one hundred, and a turquoise slider color.

Time Range Slider

Author: Sean Mooney

This template provides a range slider and an auto-textbox. It helps viewers select a time duration.

The text box selects the date in question and the two-handle slider sets the duration of the event. This template only uses JavaScript and no CSS.


Author: Hornebom

This code pen displays a budget slider. It allows viewers to select a budget price with clear indicators.

The slider itself is a 3D rectangle with shadow effects. As viewers slide the handle with their cursor pointer, the box fills with a solid green color.

Multi-Range input

Author: Yair Even Or

This code pen demonstrates four different types of range sliders. The demo assumes that the JavaScript will auto-generate the markup so that the developer does not have to fill in the CSS variables manually.


Author: Reza Lavarian

Here is another example of a price CSS range slider. This one has a cool color scheme and a clear label.

This code uses the latest CSS script so the gradient colors look natural. It also uses small animations to create a good viewer experience.

Range Slider

Author: Sean Stopnik

In this range slider, CSS script forms the design of the slider, and JavaScript is used to grab the value. The slider examples of this template have the same minimal design styles.

FAQs about CSS range sliders

First up, you’ll need a basic HTML input element with the type ‘range’. Then, using your CSS skills, you’ll style its appearance. Don’t forget the pseudo-elements like ::-webkit-slider-thumb for that custom thumb style. It’s styling HTML5 range controls in their purest form, with CSS doing the heavy lifting.
Absolutely, yes! Crafting a responsive range slider involves setting widths in percentages and employing media queries. You’ll ensure your slider looks slick across different devices. Remember, responsive design isn’t just about scaling; it’s about maintaining usability and touch-friendliness.
While CSS handles the look, JavaScript jumps in for the interactivity. You’ll add event listeners for slider movements to dynamically update values or trigger actions. Think of JS as the puppeteer that brings the CSS range slider to life, especially for those advanced features like multi-range sliders.
Accessibility is non-negotiable. Use ARIA attributes to define the slider role and value changes. Ensure keyboard navigability and add labels for screen readers. Remember, in the realm of accessibility, every user deserves a seamless experience, including those with disabilities.
Ah, the tricky waters of browser compatibility. To keep your slider performing on all fronts, use standardized CSS properties and avoid proprietary code. For those quirky inconsistencies, browser-compatible CSS hacks or polyfills can save the day. Test across browsers; real users will thank you.
Frameworks can be real timesavers! Bootstrap, Foundation, or any solid CSS framework may come with its pre-built slider components. They provide a consistent starting point. You can then layer your creative styling on top. Frameworks are the foundation; your creativity builds the house.
Dual-thumb, or double sliders, are great for defining a range. Implementing these requires two input elements. With a sprinkle of positioning and z-index wizardry, both thumbs can slide independently, yet harmoniously, within the same track. Creative styling with CSS ensures they don’t just function well but also look the part.
Sliders need to behave nicely with both touch and mouse interactions. The input element inherent in your HTML gets you most of the way there. Add some touch-friendly CSS for the thumbs and tracks, and voila! Your users can slide away on any device, fingers or mouse.
Customization is where the fun is! Change the color, size, and animations of the track and thumbs. Introduce custom labels or tick marks. Maybe even add some snazzy transitions for state changes. The sky’s the limit when you’re wielding the brush of CSS on the canvas of range inputs.
Test early, test often. Slide it around different devices, screen sizes, and with keyboard and mouse. Tools like BrowserStack can emulate conditions, but nothing beats real-world testing. Keep an eye out for smoothness, response time, and usability. A well-functioning slider should feel as good as it looks.


Okay, so we’ve been on a mission, exploring the universe of CSS range slider templates. We’ve seen the ins and outs, the how-tos, and the why-dos. Now, it’s time to wrap this baby up.

Remember, sliders are like the spices in your kitchen – a little adjustment can make a huge difference. Whether it’s about jazzing up the visual vibe with a slider customization, or making sure it’s as responsive as morning coffee on a Monday, you’ve got this.

  • Got an idea? Sketch it out.
  • Wanna build it? Layer those CSS properties.
  • Make it move? Sprinkle some JavaScript magic on top.

And always, always, make sure it plays nice with touch screens and clicks alike, okay? Accessibility isn’t just a fancy buzzword—it’s part of the DNA.

So, let those creative juices flow, bring some flair to those UI slider components, and keep them users sliding smooth and happy. Cool? Cool.

If you liked this article about CSS range sliders, you should check out this article about CSS animations on scroll.

There are also similar articles discussing CSS page transitionsCSS modalsCSS tooltips, and slide menus.

And let’s not forget about articles on CSS link hover effectsCSS hamburger menusJavaScript menus, and CSS toggle switches.

The Best CSS Range Slider Templates You Can Download

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The Author

Dirk Gavor

Slider Revolution high priest on the mission to find the line between not enough coffee and just a little too much coffee. Same with beer.

For any inquiries or additional resources related to this blog post or else, please don't hesitate to comment below or email me at [email protected].

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