Navigating the modern web without well-crafted JavaScript menus is like sailing without a compass. As web interfaces become more dynamic, the need for engaging and functional navigation components has never been greater.
Imagine seamlessly responsive menus, dropdowns that glide effortlessly, and sidebars that magically appear—all thanks to JavaScript.
In this article, we’ll go into examples of JavaScript menus that can transform your web development projects. From dropdown menus to sophisticated mega menus, these examples will enhance your user experience (UX) and streamline your front-end development process.
Expect to uncover the secrets behind navigation bars and menu frameworks, ensuring your web applications not only look good but also perform flawlessly. By the end, you’ll have a toolkit of menu scripts and design ideas to implement immediately.
Ready to elevate your web development game? Let’s dive into these captivating JavaScript menu examples that will bring your website to life.
JavaScript Navigation Menu Examples
Templates For Tablet And Mobile App Menu Items
Header Nav Overflow Into Mobile Nav
This header nav menu removes items that do not fit the mobile interface. The header has a fixed height and allows the header items to wrap and hide the overflow.

This animated example features two radial menu dropdowns that support almost any modern browser. Both can be easily customized for any mobile app.
Custom Dropdown Menu #1
This is a minimal dropdown menu, ideal for a small interface. It features a bar that displays other dropdown options when clicked and has a cool background color.
UI #1 – Nav Buttons
This menu features a black theme and four icons instead of text. Each icon is positioned side by side within a rounded bar. The border-radius property is used to create this rounded bar.

This example is a slideout touch-navigation menu for mobile apps.

This menu is an experimental frontend library that creates zoomable user interfaces (ZUIs). vue.js and JavaScript code are the base for this unconventional menu.
Touch device jelly menu concept
Oleg Solomka built this mobile interface menu using CSS, JavaScript, and HTML code. Rather than using normal icons, he uses eye-catching ones to represent menu items. This amazing menu example is also known as Lego Mushroom.
Jelly Menu – Gooey effect
This Jelly Menu design includes social icons in an elongated bar and a simple circular icon that contains other menus.
Perspective Split Text Menu Hover
This menu example is ideal for a more immersive menu design.
Off-Canvas Navigation w/Page Transitions
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS Off-Canvas) were used to create this vertical hamburger-style menu. When the menu grows, it creates contrast within the design.
Menu Examples For Web Applications On Desktops
Circle Navigation
This circular menu design was built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. It does a great job displaying insights in a graph format. The menus are in the lower half of the circle.
Vertical Fixed Navigation #2

This CSS, HTML, and JS nav menu has round indicators that transform into labeled icons when users click or hover over them.
Dropdown Menu
Here is a trendy menu bar layout for websites. It includes hidden dropdowns that appear with the hover effect. This platform uses a one-page layout format.
Full-Page Navigation Challenge
This example is great for larger screens. Anime.js and some SVGs were used to create this full-page navigation menu.
Bold Hover Animations with Splitting.js
Ryan Mulligan made this menu using CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. It features several animations that activate with a hover effect.
Image Hover Navigation | @keyframers 3.12
This example uses a hover effect to reveal the text outline and intro animation. It also features mouse position tracking with CSS variables.
Purple Navbar | Nice effect for navigation
This JavaScript menu example is ideal for building a fashion site. It features click and hover animation effects that display purple background color.
Menu – #CodePenChallenge
This CSS, JavaScript, and HTML menu uses a hover effect to display submenu items.
Moving Underline Nav Menu
This menu example features four libraries with similar functionality. Each menu differs in appearance and features a gooey, colorful underlining animation.
Navigation-Menus For Mobile, Tablets, And Desktop Devices
Navigation with SVG
This design uses SVG to animate the menu bar. The effects are activated when the user clicks or hovers over the text.
Jet – Responsive Megamenu

This menu uses CSS and pure Javascript (no JQuery needed). The Jet menu is compatible with Bootstrap and is ideal for tablets, mobile phones, and desktop devices.
CSS Grid Menu
This menu is easily customized to fit any interface.

This radial JavaScript wheel navigation menu is based on Raphaël.js (SVG/VML). It is also known as a pie menu or circular menu.
SVG Navigation
Anime.js animates this example. Here are a few elements used to create this intriguing menu:
- SVG syntax
- The text path element
- The start offset attribute
Sidebar template
Azouaoui Mohamed used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create this hamburger-style menu and put it in the upper left of the web page. The screen capture makes it fit for an advanced web application.
Clicky Menus: Accessible and Progressively Enhanced Menu with Clicky Dropdowns
Droop Mega Menu

This menu example is responsive and great for building vertical and horizontal navigations. Elfaire created this menu using CSS3, jQuery, and XHTML5. It includes an array of:
- Features and options
- A 12-column grid system
- Over 70 amazing themes
- Over 100 examples
- Horizontal and vertical tabs, and more
Accordion Menu
Here is a JavaScript sidebar menu with a submenu for each main menu option. It features a dark attractive background color and is easy to customize for any web projector app.

Spatial/directional navigation allows one to maneuver focusable elements within a structured document. It enables navigation in four directions (top/left/bottom/right).

This CSS JavaScript sliding menu example is flexible and minimal. It is easy to customize for your mobile and web app project with native-like animation performance.
Responsive navigation multilevel
This navigation menu example is responsive with a hover effect and clickable icons to reveal submenus.

This is a curved menu with radius and angle control.
Fancy Navigation (+ hover effects)
Natalia Davydova built this menu using CSS, Javascript, and HTML code. This example has a hamburger-style menu icon that features hover animation.

This example is a JavaScript menu animation that highlights menu items that are selected.
Web Slide – Bootstrap 4 Mega Menu Responsive

This example is perfect for any web project and screen type. The web slide navigation system offers various responsive, pre-built menus created with HTML, jQuery, and pure CSS code. These menus are easily customized to suit your web page layout.
Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation
This menu design is minimal but suitable for all screen types.
Sidebar Indicators
Here is a hamburger-style sidebar menu that features text, icons, and notification representations.
Flat Horizontal Navigation
This boxed menu design was built with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript/JS Flat Navigation. This minimal menu format is often found on development websites.

This is an off-canvas sidebar menu built using CSS transitions and SVG path animations.
Creative Hamburger Menu?
This design is a hamburger-style menu created with the clip-path CSS property.
FAQs about JavaScript menus
From simple dropdown menus to intricate mega menus, JavaScript offers a dynamic toolkit that can significantly elevate the user experience (UX) of your projects.
By incorporating responsive design principles, leveraging JavaScript libraries like jQuery or Bootstrap, and ensuring accessibility with web standards such as WCAG, you can create menus that are not only functional but also engaging and user-friendly.
In essence, effective JavaScript menus can transform the way users interact with your site, offering seamless navigation and enhancing the overall web development process.
As you dive into these examples, remember to focus on simplicity, user accessibility, and responsive design—key elements that will ensure your menus are both visually appealing and highly functional. The end goal? A smoother, more intuitive navigation experience across all devices and platforms.
If you liked this article about JavaScript menus, you should check out this article about CSS animations on scroll.
There are also similar articles discussing CSS page transitions, CSS modals, CSS tooltips, and slide menus.
And let’s not forget about articles on CSS link hover effects, CSS hamburger menus, CSS range sliders, and CSS toggle switches.