License Subscription Upgrade FAQ

Want to use Slider Revolution or Essential Grid on more websites? Make use of our brand new upgrade feature and save when upgrading to more licenses.

Table of Contents

How can I upgrade my subscription?

Just log in to your personal dashboard and click the “upgrade” button on the license you would like to upgrade, to see all available upgrade options.

Which licenses can I upgrade?

You can upgrade any Slider Revolution or Essential Grid subscription license.

If you have a “1 license Slider Revolution subscription” you can upgrade that subscription to 3, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, or 100 licenses.
You can upgrade one subscription as many times as you like up to a maximum of 100 licenses.

If you require more than 100 licenses, you need to purchase another subscription.

One-time payment licenses can’t be upgraded.

What are the benefits of upgrading my subscription?

Upgrading your subscription comes with multiple benefits:

  • The upgrade will receive the full discount of the subscription package that you are upgrading to.

    Upgrading from a 5 license Slider Revolution subscription to a 20 license subscription will give you the same 20% discount as if you initially purchased the 20 license subscription.
  • But thats not all!
    In addition to the product discount, you will receive a “pro-rated discount” which means that you only pay for the difference in price between your initial purchase and the upgrade cost.

    The initial renewal date of your subscription never changes when making an upgrade. This means, that you only pay for the remaining time until renewal, making the total upgrade discount very attractive if you want to equip more websites with Slider Revolution or Essential Grid!

Does upgrading change my subscriptions renewal date?

As explained above, the renewal date of your subscription never changes when making an upgrade.
We believe that this is the fairest way of handling subscription upgrades!

How can I upgrade a canceled subscription?

Upgrading a canceled (paused) subscription requires you to renew it first.

Instead of an “upgrade” button, you will see a “renew” button on this particular subscription.
After renewing your subscription, you can upgrade to up to 100 licenses as explained above!

How is the upgrade cost calculated?

We made sure that upgrading subscriptions is “always worth it”!
Please see “What are the benefits of upgrading my subscription” above, for more information.

How do I change the payment method of a subscription?

It’s important to note that each subscription can have a separate payment method.

In order to change the payment method of a subscription:

  1. Log in to your personal dashboard
  2. Expand the subscription where you would like to change the payment method
  3. Click “Subscription Info”
  4. Click the badge next to “Billing Amount” with your current payment method
  5. A new tab will open where you can change the payment method
  6. You will need to refresh the dashboard page after

Alternatively, you can also click the payment method link in the upgrade window.

I forgot to add my VAT number when making a purchase. Where can I submit my VAT number and start a VAT refund?

Please check out our detailed “How to submit your VAT number later to start a VAT refund?” FAQ post.

Can I downgrade my subscription?

No. Due to technical reasons we currently only offer subscription upgrades.

License Subscription Upgrade FAQ

The Author

Moritz Prätorius

To construct is the essence of vision. Dispense with
construction and you dispense with vision. Everything you experience by sight is your construction.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this blog's posts, please don't hesitate to comment on the post or reach out to me at [email protected].

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6 thoughts on “License Subscription Upgrade FAQ

  1. Hello,
    If I were to try the tool at a yearly license (29 EUR) and like it after a few weeks where I’d want to upgrade to one-time license (69 EUR), would I just need to pay the difference in cost for it?

    1. Hi Kevin,

      we cannot switch a license between subscriptions and one-time version for technical reasons. But no worries, you can ask for a refund for the lifetime version for up to 14 days. So this is two weeks to find out if the plugin fits your requirements.

      Cheers, Dirk @ Slider Revolution

  2. What happens to my website if I don’t renew my subscription? Do the sliders on my website cease to function? If my site is built on a single-page template, will it also cease to function?

    1. Hi,

      you will lose all premium features. So if your website was built upon a premium template, with add-ons, object library, etc., these parts won’t be visible anymore. Also, you lose the update functionality so we strongly recommend deactivating the whole plugin in this case, since it can come to security issues or conflicts with other software installed that is updated frequently (how it should be).

      Best regards, Dirk @ Slider Revolution

    Y que NO COBREN mañana 21 de abril en la tarjeta bancaria!!!

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