How to Use This Manual
Welcome to the manual for Slider Revolution. If you are brand new to the software you're in the right place to start learning.

A Rich Manual for a Powerful Tool
Slider Revolution is far more than a slider creation tool alone. Sure, you can absolutely create stunning sliders, but you can also use this incredibly powerful tool to produce all kinds of visually captivating content for your sites. You can create everything from hero units to image carousels to navigation menus to entire websites.

Slider Revolution started its life with a focus on sliders, but over its many year history it has evolved into a complete set of design and animation software with new features and enhancements being added all the time.
A powerful tool such as this needs a robust set of instructions to go along with it, helping you to discover every little corner of Slider Revolution and what it’s capable of. That’s what this manual is here to do for you.
Navigation / Table of Contents
In the sidebar to the left side of this screen you’ll see the navigation for this manual (TIP: You may need to scroll up to see the left side menu). This is essentially your table of contents for everything there is to learn. Each section can be expanded to reveal the content within it, and collapsed again when you want to focus on just one area.

Additionally, along the top of each page you’ll see a breadcrumb trail that will help you find your way around.
Flip Through Page by Page
This manual is designed for you to be able to land on page 1 and flip through it like a book. You’ll be taken from beginner through to advanced usage of Slider Revolution as you go along. You’ll learn about the entire set of tools available to you within the plugin.
You’ll start with essential beginner lessons to get you up and running fast, and be steadily guided through every part of Slider Revolution until you can use the tool to build just about anything you can imagine.
You’ll notice at the bottom of this page is a link pointing to the next guide in this manual. After learning what a page has to teach you, click the link at the bottom to jump to the next guide:

Every page is in sequence. All you have to do is start at the beginning and follow through page by page, by the end of which you will have a good grasp on the fundamentals of Slider Revolution.
Let’s Go!
We’ll begin with the “Getting Started” section, broken into two parts: “Quick Setup” and “Rapid Fire Overview”.
In our “Quick Setup” section we’ll begin with plugin installation, and making sure you have all the latest and greatest inclusions.
Then we’re going to get you up and running with the plugin fast through our “Rapid Fire Overview” section, because who wants to wait to start having fun with a new bit of kit.
So let’s jump in and get started. Click the Install & Activate link at the bottom of this page to view the next page in the manual.